Some facts about me…
I have a strong balance between my masculine and feminine energy. I know when to be decisive and take action, and when to pause, reflect and hold space.
My energies work in harmony between being a calm, observing introvert and an adventurous, social and leading extrovert.
People or environments rarely ever exhaust me. I know how to be in synch and protect my energy (also called energetic seniority).
I make spiritualism enjoyable, interesting, fun, inspiring and useful.
I’m a master at self-reflection because I’ve had conversations with myself (or higher self) from an early age.
I’ve lived in-between cultures (Sweden, Chile, Miami, Canary Islands), studied human-centered behaviour and learned to facilitate my own self-growth and healing.
I don’t believe in dogmas. Sometimes I eat animal protein, I curse when I’m angry, I laugh at my bizarre thoughts and I practice celibacy for a deeper connection with my body and my Spirit.
I’m human and I still mess up, I’m not striving to be perfect. And I don’t imagine a future where pink elephants and unicorns exists (all-though they do in other dimensions) but I see a future where there will be healthy discussions instead of war. Sustainable cultivation instead of mass farming. Connection to the Divine instead of separating religions. Communities instead of borders. Service and trade instead of banks. Communication, preservation, compassion, organisation and responsibility instead of politics.
My spiritual journey began with what seemed back then to be my own thoughts speaking to me.
I didn’t have many friends growing up, or a family who understood me.
But I was always fascinated by art and theatre. I cultivated my self-talk from an early age. This internal conversation where one side would always act as what I needed the most at that time.
Until a couple of years ago I hadn’t realise the deep spiritual practice I was engaging in. This dialogue between the thoughts (ego) and the thinker (my higher self or the awareness) which sometimes made me do stupid decisions, and other times changed my life forever.
I knew the voice of Spirit was always compassionate, loving, calm, supporting, kind, non-judgemental and guiding. Everything that was not, was the conditioned, rational and wounded ego mind.
But like every human being, I’ve been through pain. Mystics call the Dark Night of The Soul —recurring events that leaves you in agony, despair, apathy and depression. Maybe you’ve also had one, or several?
These experiences intensifies your disconnection to Love & Harmony in order for you to come down to a choice. Either you do the self-healing work, or you don’t.
So here I am, still doing it. It doesn’t mean I’ll never suffer again. It just means I’ll know how to guide myself into more ease and when it does get challenging again, I’ll treat it with grace and wisdom. I am, my own healer.
These are times of chaos and rebirth. Lightworkers are rising all over the planet and as I continue my path, I guide others to their own.
Growth & evolution are inevitable.
Mastery in Reiki Usui
A centuries-old Japanese healing system channeled by Dr. Mikao Usui used to connect us with Spirit. I bring this practice to my own self-healing as much as for you, to release tension, bring you to a calm state, clean your energy body (chakras) and promote emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. My initiations are for level I, II and III (mastery).
Kundalini Shakti Energy
Translated from Sanskrit as “serpent power” or “ the Divine Feminine”. My awakened Shakti takes me through a profound energetic upgrade activating my entire network of mind, body, and Spirit. It manifests as the power to be conscious, to feel ecstasy, the power of will, of desire, knowingness, and the power to act deliberately in my own life and in my sessions.
Akashic Records, Intuitive Channel
These records are not unique to the person reading them. We are the ethereal and energetic library of information that contains the details of our soul and its entire past, present and future journey. Becoming a channel for this practice requires spiritual devotion, love of service, self-knowledge, discernment and an advanced intuition for our psychic senses.
Continuous Growth & Support
My dear mentor, Michael Mirdad. Your are my biggest supporter and source of inspiration. Thank you for your love, wisdom and amazing sense of humor in everything that you do. Michael is the minister and spiritual leader for the Global Center For Christ Consciousness in Sedona, USA. If you feel called to support their incredible work, you may gift any affordable amount here.
User Experience Designer
My studies at one of the most disruptive educational systems in the world, became the starting-point to why I am here today; combining behavioural psychology, intuitive design and sustainable leadership -with my psychic facilitator skills to empower change & growth. Read more about my educational community here.
My resources for healing & growth
My resources for healing & growth
Human-centered Researcher
I specialised in research for my analytic, communicative and collaborative skills. I am profoundly reflective, curious and I ask assertive questions that contributes to my research. My specialty is finding patterns, connecting dots, finding opportunities in frustrations, and uncovering the -why- behind your thoughts, feelings and actions.